What do the Color of Roses Mean?

We hear this all the time!

What do red roses stand for? (Love!)

What do white roses stand for? (Purity!)

What do pink roses mean? (Friendship!)

What about yellow? (Well, if you’re from Texas you know the answer to this question, don’t you?)

It’s no secret that red roses are the all time number 1 most preferred flower ever. I think it’s because they are so beautiful. And they are always impressive when you take them home and present them to your loved one. When we deliver them, they are always the “ooohhh” and “aahhh” of the office! What would Valentine’s Day be without the bold, dramatic red rose? They are the perfect gift for your mother, your wife, your girlfriend, your daughter. And thyey will get you out of the “dog house” when you’re in trouble.

So, which do you prefer? An arrangement of tall, long stemmed red roses or short roses in a cube?

A Dozen Red Roses  Red roses in a cube


It’s a difficult decision, isn’t it?

White roses represent  humility, purity and innocence and is often referred to as the bridal rose because it is associated with young love. It  symbolizes truth and reverence, it sends a message of loyalty and says “I am worthy of you.”

all white roses and alstro

The yellow rose represents friendship, joy and caring. A bouquet of these sun-filled blossoms conveys warmth, gladness and affection.

Yellow Roses with Butterflies

It’s no secret that pink is my favorite color. Symbolizing friendship, gentility, femininity, elegance and refinement, the pink rose also carries additional meanings depending on its hue. A deep pink conveys gratitude and appreciation, while pale shades connote grace and gentleness, admiration and happiness. Hmmm…I wonder if any of this describes me?

Pink Roses in tall white vase



OK, admit it. You think lavender roses are the prettiest ones, right? You’re not alone! Thought to be almost mystical in nature, with symbolism tied to enchantment, desire and even proceeding cautiously, it’s not surprising that lilac and purple roses send a message of love at first sight. They are fragrant, too. (give us a day to special order lavender roses for you!) amazing lavender roses

We love mixing red roses with another color rose. For example, a combination of red and yellow roses conveys gaiety and happiness, while a mix of red and white roses symbolizes unity. This is a terrific alternative when you’re not quite in love, when the roses are for your mom or sister, or when you’re not exactly positively sure what you want to say!

cube flower bouquet  6 roses yellow and white

red yellow pink roses

Looking for more ideas? We have them for you!

Visit www.roadrunnerflorist.com

Flower Delivery Phoenix

Flower Delivery Phoenix

Flower Delivery Phoenix



  1. Oh how neat. I honestly had no idea each color had a meaning. Now that makes them even more special to m.

    • I’m glad you feel that way, Robin. It’s nice to learn something fun like this!

  2. I love this! I am always wondering what the different colors mean.

    • Thanks, Rachel. I’m glad you appreciated this information about the colors of roses. I think the bottom line is this: choose the roses that you like the best!

  3. Roses are one of my favorite flowers. I love those lavender ones.

  4. I loved reading this again the brought me back to high school where everybody would send everybody roses

    • I’ve never heard of sending roses in high school, but that’s a GREAT idea! Where did you go to high school?

  5. Great post. I like roses, but definitely not my favorite flower. If I had two choose between the long or short.. I’m not sure if I could!

  6. Roses are the top choice probably because they are so romantic! At least for me they are. They represent beauty and elegance.

  7. I love those mixed bouquets! Just beautiful!

  8. Roses are the symbol of love. That’s probably why it’s often given on Valentine’s day and on anniversaries.

    • Yes, but isn’t it fun to give (and to receive) roses on NON holidays like Valentine’s Day and anniversaries?

  9. I always thought they were just for aesthetics, didnt know they had meanings. I will keep this in mind

  10. I have always loved white roses. My husband gets me red roses weekly, and I just love them too!

  11. I would have to say yellow roses are my favorite. Although, I love the cube of the red ones too. Great looking arrangements

  12. Wow learned a lot here. Awesome! I had no idea that each color had meaning. I typically just get my wife red or pink roses. Thanks!

    • I’ll bet your wife is thrilled every time you bring her roses! I hope you’re ordering them from a local flower shop!

  13. Now I knew what does colors stands for, I love roses especially the red one.

  14. This is a great post. I’ve heard before here and there about the colors. It’s nice to have the info here all here in one place!

    • Thanks for the compliment!! A lot of people want to know about the colors of roses and I’m glad you appreciated the information!

  15. I like the cube vase the best. I have never received flowers in one.

    • I’ve been designing a lot of arrangements in a cube, including 4 today. You should talk to your Significant Other and have them send you some beautiful flowers designed in a cube!

  16. I LOVE the meanings of flowers and how you can send a whole message to a friend, or loved one by what flowers you choose to send.

  17. Peach roses are my favorite color!

    • I like peach roses, too. They come in many shades of “peach” from bright (almost orange) to a soft pale peach (almost yellow). Leave it to Mother Nature to give us choices!