A Tina Dozen is 11 red roses!



Honest!  I simply can’t find the perfect place to put the 12th rose! That’s one of the reasons we’re fortunate to have Pamela E Smith, Michigan State University Floriculture Graduate here at Roadrunner Florist  to create your arrangement!

Many people think Valentine’s Day is the only time to send roses, but no, that’s not really the case. Roses are perfect for an anniversary, a new baby, for Mother’s Day, a birthday,  if you’re in the dog house, or if you’re going to propose.

Our best selling arrangement is the Perfect Dozen Red Roses. You can’t go wrong when you place your order for this stunning arrangement.

Wonderful Red Roses

I love Unique Roses and 3 Linear Roses.  Each of these was chosen as an anniversary gift. Beautiful!

Unique Tall Roses Linear roses

When you add flowers to red roses, then you sending an arrangement like these!

Lateral Beauty and Fashionably Contemporary.

Lateral Fashionably contemporary

Why limit yourself to RED roses? No reason at all!! For Mother’s Day you might want to  Order Contemporary Pink RosesPrecious Colorful Roses,

Contemporary pink roses Precious colorful roses

Amazing Lavender Roses or Happy Roses in a Cube.

amazing lavender roses Happy Roses in a Cube

Your dozen roses will be custom designed (and we guarantee 12  — it won’t be a Tina Dozen!) and professionally delivered!

We look forward to celebrating with you!

Pamela and Tina

Roadrunner Florist


2007 W Bethany Home, Phoenix, AZ 85015