Avoid the Middleman

For more than 39 years in Phoenix, our customers and friends have decided to Avoid the Middleman! Every year you send and receive the most fragrant centerpieces, floral arrangements and holiday greens  or the yummiest  goodies, fruit, gourmet, and Christmas gift baskets from Roadrunner Florist and Basket Express.

When you avoid the middleman and celebrate with us, we share in the joy the season brings. We appreciate your allowing your local flower shop to be part of your life now and during the year.

Shop local

You know our websites are amazing! You know the sites are secure, and like Internet Magic you click and we respond! You also know you’re not disappointed when you use Roadrunnerflorist.com or Giftbasketsbytina.com

Throughout the month of December, you’ll find emails and advertisements from pretend flower shops who aren’t local and don’t actually design and deliver for you. They are listed first on the Internet pages you visit, and they are happy to take your money, process the order, and then find a local florist to do the work.




www.roadrunnerflorist.com   www.giftbasketsbytina.com 

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas in our flower

and gift basket shop.

Can your on-line middleman say that?

PES Starts Christmas Or are your flowers arriving in a box like this?

proflowers in a box

Check out some of our unique Christmas Selections here! They’re all available on our website!

Custom designed and delivered! Celebrate the Season with us this year!

PES Xmas Present   Perfect Christmas Centerpiece  Christmas in a box

Decorated  Pure White Christmas Flowers  xmas greens and candy

Christmas Open Sleigh  Christmas Gourmet Gift Basket  Christmassy poinsettia and fruit


You know the difference between the Middleman and the real, local flower shop!

Choose wisely this holiday season! We look forward to hearing from you.

Pamela and Tina

Roadrunner Florist and Basket Express


www.roadrunnerflorist.com    www.giftbasketsbytina.com